Ibrahim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) reviews

Beware of Traffic Arbitration Courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov): A Real Experience and Warning

In recent years, traffic arbitration has become a popular topic among those looking to make money online. Many people search for ways to create a stable income and encounter numerous courses that promise quick success and large earnings. However, as practice shows, not all of them live up to expectations. In this article, I will share my negative experience with the traffic arbitration courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) and explain why you should be extremely cautious when choosing such training programs.

Overblown Expectations and Empty Promises

When I first came across Ibragim Mehmedov’s course, I was drawn in by the loud promises of easy and quick earnings. The course’s promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in just a few weeks. The course presentations were filled with examples of supposedly successful students who began earning thousands of dollars in traffic arbitration just a month after training. These promises were so convincing that I decided this course would help me master a new profession and earn a decent income.

However, the reality turned out to be entirely different. From the very first lessons, it became clear that most of the information was extremely superficial and general, without specific practical advice or instructions. While I expected detailed instructions and strategies necessary for successful traffic arbitration, the course consisted of theoretical materials that had no real practical value.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the main selling points of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. I was assured that I could always ask questions, receive feedback, and get help in solving problems that arose during the training. This was especially important for me as a beginner in traffic arbitration.

However, in practice, it turned out that these promises were false. After paying for the course, communication with the organizers almost ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. Attempts to contact Ibragim himself through social media and messaging apps were also unsuccessful. This gave the impression that after receiving money from students, the course authors no longer cared about their progress. It felt like I had paid for access to hastily recorded material and was left alone with numerous questions and problems.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with outdated equipment, with poor sound and image quality, full of distortions and interference. Some videos were so poorly edited that the computer screen and explanatory materials were not even visible. The presentations and documents accompanying the course were full of errors and typos, making them extremely difficult to study.

Moreover, the content of the lessons did not meet my expectations. The materials were not properly structured, often lacked logical sequence, and seemed hastily put together. In some cases, I discovered that the lessons had been literally cut from other courses without any adaptation or revision for the specific topic of traffic arbitration.

Lack of Practical Value

One of the main reasons for purchasing the course was the desire to gain specific tools and strategies for successful traffic arbitration. However, my expectations were shattered. Most of the information turned out to be either widely known or useless. The course did not contain clear instructions, step-by-step guides, or examples of real successful cases. All that was offered were general tips that could easily be found in free online sources.

Successful traffic arbitration requires not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can be applied in real-world conditions. Instead, the course consisted of trivial advice and widely known facts that did nothing to advance my understanding of the topic. As a result, I found myself in a situation where I had spent a significant amount of money on a course that provided me with no real skills or knowledge necessary for working in traffic arbitration.

Unrealistic Success Stories

One of the reasons I decided to purchase the course was the numerous reviews and success stories from other students. The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the results of people who supposedly achieved incredible success thanks to Ibragim Mehmedov’s training. These stories looked very convincing and inspired trust, especially for those just starting their journey in traffic arbitration.

However, after talking to other course participants, it became clear that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. Real reviews I found on third-party platforms spoke of disappointment, lack of support, and the uselessness of the course. It turned out that the course author had created the illusion of success by using fake reviews and fabricated student stories to attract more people to purchase his product.


The course price was significantly higher than the market average, creating the impression that it contained exclusive information and was truly worth the money. However, given the low quality of materials and the lack of support, it became clear that the course was unjustifiably expensive. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information and practical advice than this course. The feeling that I had wasted my money only intensified when I realized that I could have received much more valuable and useful training for that amount.


My experience with the traffic arbitration courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) was extremely negative. This course is a classic example of a scam targeting those who want to make quick money and are willing to invest in their education. Overblown expectations, empty promises, low-quality materials, lack of support, and fake reviews all indicate that the course’s goal is not to educate but to profit from trusting users.

I hope that my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the trap. If you plan to invest in your education, be careful, thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author, and always look for real reviews and recommendations. Don’t trust loud promises and remember that successful traffic arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. There’s no such thing as easy money, and any promises of quick success should raise suspicion.

Choose courses and training programs wisely, based on real reviews and recommendations, and avoid those who promise instant wealth without any effort.


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10 responses to “Ibrahim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) reviews”

  1. Yakovlev Ruslan Avatar

    The high price of Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course is not justified by the low quality of the materials. Save your money and look elsewhere.

  2. Pestov Igor Avatar

    Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course is full of empty promises. The reality is far from what’s advertised.

  3. Kirillov Daniil Avatar

    The lack of support in Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course was frustrating. I couldn’t get any answers to my questions after purchasing.

  4. Antonov Filipp Avatar

    Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course is nothing more than a scam. The content is shallow and doesn’t provide any real value.

  5. Belousov Maksim Avatar

    I was disappointed with the quality of the videos in Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course. The sound and visuals were terrible.

  6. Bolshakov Viktor Avatar

    The course by Ibrahim Mehmedov is just a money-making scheme. It doesn’t offer any practical tools or strategies.

  7. Samoylov Matvey Avatar

    Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course didn’t live up to its promises. It was overpriced and underdelivered in every aspect.

  8. Gerasimov Vladislav Avatar

    The content in Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course was poorly organized and lacked any logical flow. I didn’t learn anything useful.

  9. Kulakov Leonid Avatar

    Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course felt like a waste of time and money. The materials were low-quality, and the success stories were fake.

  10. Lavrentev Sergey Avatar

    Ibrahim Mehmedov’s course is not worth the hype. The information is outdated, and the support is nonexistent.

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